I know you are scared and lost right now.
It’s ok. Take time to digest everything that might or might not happen. This journey is yours. Have a long hard cry. Read on for some breast cancer words of support.
You are going to do that a lot in the next couple of years. You are going to look in the mirror and ask why? Why me?
Breast cancer will strip you of a lot of things…. your breasts, your hormones, your hair. You will be very sick and dependent on others for a while. But you are still you inside.
You are going to have so many people that want to help you.
I know it is hard to answer their questions, see the pity in their eyes, face your family, but it will get better and you will be glad you have them as you go through your journey.
You will learn to embrace others and thank God you have these people in your life because, although it’s not their journey, they want to make yours easier.
Pick out some wigs that are fun and not you! Spend more time enjoying your family. Say yes instead of no to invitations.
Don’t dwell on the fact that cancer can come back to you at any time. That will destroy the life that you still have to live. Keep busy. Laugh, love, take a chance, be kind to strangers.
Be thankful every day for the life you still have.
Tell people that matter to you that you love them. Accept the fact that life with breast cancer is your new normal. Tomorrow is not promised but you are here today so make it matter. I know you can do this.
Do life with grace and know that I’m going to push you every day to live it to the fullest.
For more stories of inspiration see Stephanie’s Trek, and Barb’s Story.
We are proud to be supported in our efforts by Cancer League of Colorado