Those Four Words

Those four words are a life stopper. 

financial assistance breast cancer survivors,  breast cancer financial assistance programs

At Suddenly PINK Foundation, we understand on a personal level what those four words mean. Those four words are why we provide the financial aid breast cancer patients need.

Every woman on the planet fears those words.  And with good reason.  It attacks the very core of a woman’s being.  It attacks her ability to procreate, her beauty, her ability to function, and her self esteem all in one tragic fell swoop.  And it’s so often deadly, at the very least monumentally life changing.  

Men get this dreaded disease too, but it is not tied to the very essence of who they are like it is for women.  Everyone handles it differently, some retreat into a shell, waiting for the inevitable.  Others break out and vow to show it who is boss, they take it and make beating it their life’s calling.  They help other people with it.  They raise awareness of it.  

And it still changes lives.  It changes the lives of everyone around the victim.  Suddenly the pillar of strength for young children becomes a mortal human being.  Mom is no longer the superhero.  Dad isn’t the solid rock. The better half of the unstoppable husband/wife team becomes totally dependent on the surrounding family and the medical community.   

It has touched every person on the planet in some way.  Our nation has embraced it, with scheduled nation wide races and fun runs set up to raise money for research.  Huge corporations are giving and soliciting money for research, resulting in billions of dollars for the cure.  

The research is working, increment by increment.  But what about the individual who is going through it now, right here?  What do they have to fall back on.  All of those research donations don’t help the family get through that initial, life shaking diagnosis.  

financial assistance breast cancer survivors,  breast cancer financial assistance programs

That research donation doesn’t help the family who now has their daily lives put on hold for not only the victim but the support team who is running out of sick days to take while they are handling the physical and mental disintegration of their once happy family life together.  It doesn’t help the kids who saw a secure comfortable life with Mom and Dad evaporate overnight.  Not to mention the single victim who has no close loving family to help her through it. 

That grand, heartfelt, soul cleansing contribution made to the big corporations is needed for research, but doesn’t do much for the person who is fighting for her or his life.  Who is there to say, “We’re here for you, we are going to help you get through this”? 

Who is there when a mother or father, either soulmate goes from normally happy and healthy to suddenly pink.  

We are.  

That is what Suddenly Pink Foundation is all about.  We want to be there for financial support for the fighters.  We want to help them through the tough time ahead.  We can only help a few people at a time, but we want to help ALL of them.   Who do you know in your life who could have benefitted from a little financial help at that critical time?  

financial assistance breast cancer survivors,  breast cancer financial assistance programs

A time when suddenly their whole life is centered around surviving and getting through chemo treatments and surgeries.  No energy left to worry about the kids getting fed and put to bed.  No energy left to worry about the budget for the month.  Only enough energy to worry about how long a tragically shortened life will last.  

You have the opportunity to help. 

We cannot bring those back who have passed before us.  We have a whole nation who is helping to find a cure.  So where can each and every one of us make a difference?  With the men and women who are going through that crucial time now.  

Now you can donate to a foundation who is helping the individual victims and their families.  One at a time. Where does that financial help go?  To help pay bills for the month, and to help with the feeling that people are there with support.  

financial assistance breast cancer survivors,  breast cancer financial assistance programs

Just to help the family get through the tough part.  We give to make them feel better.  We give because we care for them.  

We desperately need your help because there are so many more families who need our help, they suffer through without us, we want to give them strength to survive and thrive through a positive attitude.  Strength to beat it.  One individual at a time. We are only one of a very few breast cancer financial assistance programs.

What are those four words, you ask?  “You have breast cancer…”  

Help us help them. 

Donate today.  Donate once a month so you can look forward to helping someone every month.

Thank you so much for helping us with this monumental task. We look forward to keeping you up to date on who we help! And if you find YOURSELF Suddenly Pink, please let us know.